Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best Vacation Ever

SOOOO enjoying this wonderful break from usual life!  My gift for Sweetest day this year was a break from my 'job' ranging from scrubbing the toilets to cooking dinner!  I enjoyed it immensely. It worked out perfectly that my husband was taking a 4 day vacation. Of course when the idea was first mentioned I will admit I laughed thinking to myself 'yeah right'.  Shockingly I was proved wrong and loving every minute of it!  We are now on day 3 and I can't recall one thing I've had to clean, cook, or bath the kids!  Anyone that knows me know that is a big thing!  I'm the one that goes crazy if there dare be a spec of dirt on the floor or a stain on the childrens clothes, an item not in it's place, the baby rearranged my pantry.  Mind you it rarely happens that my house is anywhere near to what I would prefer, but when you have 3 children and a husband it's not always possible.  Except now HE's the one taking care of everything!  To know that I won't have to go downstairs and clean the kitchen after the dinner mess, bath the kids, do laundry, clean the house, divide up the chili he made into future meals is so.......peaceful. Did I mention he even bought me my favorite cake and the biggest bag of Halloween candy he could find?  Now thats true love =) 

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